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Online Safety & Anti-Bullying Support

St Michael’s Catholic Parish Primary School does not tolerate bullying in any form. Guided by our leadership team, all members of the school community are committed to ensuring a safe and caring environment, which promotes positive self esteem and personal growth intellectually, physically, socially, emotionally, aesthetically and morally. All students are encouraged to be responsible users of technology and reminded about the importance of cybersafety. 

View the Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong (CEDoW) Social Media Policy and CEDoW Social Media Statement and Standards, which outline expectations around CEDoW staff, student and parent/community use of social media. In the context of creating vibrant Catholic school communities of faith and learning, users of social media are required to manage their digital footprint by interacting responsibly and ethically, in line with our Catholic ethos, respecting the dignity of all involved. 

Students and parents/carers are also required to sign the CEDoW Student Responsible Use of Technology Agreement at the commencement of each year.


At St Michael's, students participate in learning experiences that focus on being responsible and ethical users of technology.

Teachers use a range of resources developed by the Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong, Australian Communications and Media Authority, Office of the eSafety Commissioner and other online safety organisations to assist in the ongoing education of our students in being safe and responsible digital citizens.